1. What brand were his panties?
2. Did he groom his balls before putting on a show?
3. Can he account for both his testicles?
The Mystery continues...
Hashing in The Woodlands every other Saturday from Feb. 6th 2010 to eternity!!!
2025 HARE SIGNUPS!!!!! We've opened up 2025 trails, so check out the spreadsheet linked below and sign up to Hare! First CUM first ser...
1. What brand were his panties?
2. Did he groom his balls before putting on a show?
3. Can he account for both his testicles?
The Mystery continues...
...yeah........free ball shows, NBN in short jean shorts.....NBN in women's panties........jeez, I can't tell you how much I regret not going to TX this time!
So, dear DTR, here are some much anticipated answers to your questions about Ball Show Night:
1. Simply Basic
2. Of COURSE he grommed his balls before the show. If you look closely at the picture you can clearly see that he had shaved a perfect picture of a big pile of poop on the side of his right testicle. Luckily he did not have to color anything in as he is already oh-so brown.
3. No he cannot account for both testicles. The left is still MIA and we are concerned it went to the slammer with MILF and never found it's way out. We fear it is now a prison bitch for the Crips, although....
The Mystery of the Left Ball continues...
~I'm C-4 Bitch
Wow, this blog gets no action. What's the deal Shaquille Oneal?
shaved poop on hit testes damn. Speaking of poop, this blog sucks
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